UP Board Syllabus, for Class 12, Biology
UP Board Syllabus, for Class 12, Biology
UP Board Syllabus, for Class 12, Biology
UP Board Class 12 Biology Book
NCERT Solutions for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium includes all the important topics with detailed explanation that aims to help students to understand the concepts better. Students who are preparing for their Class 12 exams must go through NCERT Solutions for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium . Going through the solutions provided on this page will help you to know how to approach and solve the problems.
Students can also find NCERT intext, exercises and back of chapter questions. Also working on “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi MediumMedium NCERT Solutions will be most helpful to the students to solve their Homeworks and Assignments on time. Students can also download NCERT Solutions for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium PDF to access them even in offline mode.
Here we are providing the Chapter-wise NCERT Book for “”Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, Subject”. Students can easily download and access the chapters of “Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, . Digital edition of “NCERT Books “Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, pdf” are always handy to use when you do not have access to a physical copy. Here you can get “”Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, ” NCERT Books. The “NCERT for “Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, ” Chapters wise relevant topic covered on this page.
Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms (जीवों में जनन)
Chapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants (पुष्पी पादपों में लैंगिक प्रजनन)
Chapter 3 Human Reproduction
(मानव जनन)
Chapter 4 Reproductive Health
(जनन स्वास्थ्य)
Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation
(वंशागति और विविधता के सिद्धान्त)
Chapter 6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance (वंशागति का आणविक आधार)
Chapter 7 Evolution (विकास)
Chapter 8 Human Health and Disease (मानव स्वास्थ्य तथा रोग)
Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production (खाद्य उत्पादन में वृद्धि की कार्यनीति)
Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare (मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्मजीव)
Chapter 11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes (जैव प्रौद्योगिकी-सिद्धान्त व प्रक्रम)
Chapter 12 Biotechnology and its Applications
(जैव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उसके उपयोग)
Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations
(जीव और समष्टियाँ)
Chapter 14 Ecosystem
Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation (जैव विविधता एवं संरक्षण)
Chapter 16 Environmental Issues (पर्यावरण के मुद्दे)
UP Board Syllabus, for Class 12, “Biology”
NCERT Book for “Class 12 Biology ” is a vital resource for students preparing for the 12th Class Examination. In this NCERT Books “Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, both books are provided with all chapters of the Class 12 Subject. Get here the complete chapters wise study material of “NCERT Book “Class 12 Biology “, “जीवविज्ञान “, “.
We suggest you go through NCERT Book for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium and get the distinguished study materials. Practising these study materials will help you a lot in your school exam & board exam. All NCERT Chapters for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium given here are as per the latest syllabus
We hope the “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium help you. If you have any query regarding upboardmaster.com for “Class 12 Biology ” “जीवविज्ञान “, Hindi Medium drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.